Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Next steps for OpenRSA - your priorities
I've seeded it with some ideas taken from the reports of the 19th February session at and a couple of others have already chipped in too.
Please take a look, see if there are new ideas you'd like to add, and/or spread your 10 votes across those that have been posted.
Comments and/or criticism of this approach are welcome, as always.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Making Connecting and Initiating Easy

The RSA Networks project has been full of enthusiasm and desire from both the RSA and the Fellows to 'get connected'.
My observation, having followed the project since its launch, is that for some Fellows this has been easy, but for others there are often invisible barriers to participation. These barriers can be categorised as psychological and practical.
In order to encourage 'connecting' the RSA South Central Region has taken a strategic decision to actively encourage Fellows starting up their own groups, either local groups or interest groups.
Looking at the potential barriers of participation we are looking at a 'toolkit' which could overcome reticence to take a more active, initiating role within the RSA network, rather than the more conventional but passive, member's role.
I good analogy is that of a plug and a socket. We normally assume they just fit. But humans are very complex and need someway of translating their willingness to 'plug in' to the network, into action. A conversion kit.
Some of the items that have been discussed have been:
Permission – Can we start a new RSA group?
Process - how do you get the ball rolling, what help is available, etc
Funds - Group start-up event costs, project funding
Stimulation – Ideas, sharing case studies etc
Guidance – How to communicate, promote, manage an event – generate group interest and engagement - realistic expectations
Practical tools and participatory formats:
Guide Booklet
Open Dinners
Open Space Techonology Format
Open Mic / Open Knowledge evenings
Online Networks Platform
Video Conferencing
Central Fellows listings
A fantastic example of this toolkit idea was published this morning. Red Nose Day published their fundraising kit (available for download -Red Nose Fundraising Kit). The kit (brochure) tries to take away every possible reason not to participate. They give you ideas, encouragement, case studies, sponsorship forms... They make participation feel worthwhile, fun, easy, low risk.
This project i.e. to create a 'connecting toolkit' to encourage participation and initiation, can only be done successfully with the input of lots of different sorts of RSA Fellows: new and longstanding, urban and rural, shy and wildly extrovert, retired and working, IT savvy ... or not...
What barriers do we need to overcome? How can we communicate and excite? What do we need to make? How can we collaborate in making it brilliant? How can Fellows contribute to it? What role should RSA Networks take?
How do we measure the success of RSA networks?
I said I thought that more help was needed for Fellows, particularly outside London, to connect ... and that a key issue was, as always, what's the purpose?
The issue as always is who benefits? Is RSA for staff, Fellows .. or making some beneficial change in the world? That's where leadership is needed, I think. Matthew has likened the RSA to the RAC of civic activism .... but I'm not sure that's how most Fellows see it.Justin followed up with:
I guess problems solved, rescues made would give some measure though.
What I really really wanna know is how they plan to measure success. If Matthew T truly sees the RSA as being the RAC of civic activism then they are going to have to nail some kind of Social Impact Assessment/Evaluation Criteria to their mast or else its just more useless sloganeering.Any ideas on how we do measure success? Is it about helping Fellows network ... and/or making a difference in the world? NESTA commissioned an evaluation, and the interim report is here.
In fact, I'd love to see what evaluation criteria was used to justify the funding of this initiative and where they are at as far as achieving their goals.
I'd also like to know whether some kind of Social Impact Assessment was part of their original funding proposal, because the likes of NING, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc, would have been far more cost effect ways of facilitating a member meets member programme as would a decent bar/cafe at their HQ.
However, the final report was turned into lessons learned, so I don't think we have any final evaluation against funding criteria. Can anyone from RSA or NESTA help on that?
Update: just to make clear there is a full report, which you can download here and decide how far it is an evaluation.
Welcome to Scottish Fellows
.. so a big welcome to anyone looking in from north of the border (and elsewhere for that matter).
Do drop a comment here on how you would like to see networking improved, or any other topic. If you would like to author a blog post, just email You can also follow us on Twitter: explanation here
Dear Fellows,
Later this week a group of RSA Fellows and staff will be discussing future development of online networking and collaboration on projects, at a workshop in London. The OpenRSA group wants to extend the discussion to other regions and nations, and have posted an invitation to add ideas and issues on their blog
One of the ideas likely to be discussed is development of communication toolkits that help Fellows connect and collaborate by adding tools to those already available on the RSA networks site.
You find out more about OpenRSA here
There's a webpage here that brings together all OpenRSA discussions, and feeds from RSA blogs
This is an excellent opportunity to engage at an international level in framing the way that RSA Fellows engage with each other and with the RSA.
Check it out!!
Judith Friedman
Outreach Coordinator, Scotland
+44 (0)750 088 5473
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
RSA is "the RAC of civic activism" - Matthew Taylor
RSA - A new vision for the RSA from NESTA Connect on Vimeo.
Towards the end of the interview Matthew likens the RSA to a kind if civic RAC, where you might find some experts prepared to help you out with a problem.
One of the ways in which I characterised the RSA ... the model I had at the very beginning ... was I wanted us to be the RAC of civic activism.
When you needed a group of people, people like us, reasonably high powered people from different kind of of backgrounds, quite self confident people, with a set of skills, - and you needed a group of people to come together to solve a problem - ring the RSA.
Wherever they are, they are that kind of people and they have got that kind of network. That is ultimately my aspiration.
You can also hear what Matthew said at an OpenRSA event in October 2007 over here.
RSA - Setting the conditions from NESTA Connect on Vimeo.
On the NESTA vimeo account you can now find more videos, including this interesting explanation from Laura Bunt - who leads on RSA networks development - about how things were planned internally among department. Laura and Laura Billings from the Fellowship department will be giving us an update at the workshop on Thursday.
I'll be taking a camera, and hoping we can get a progress update on video. Written reports are fine, but I think that the videos by Eleanor Ford and Simone Jaeger give a far better idea of the vision and challenges of the past eighteen months.
Skunkworks might speed RSA networking
Does progress on RSA online networking have to be slow - or could we help staff in speeding up developments? Over on the RSA networks site Mike Amos-Simpson writes in advance of Thursday's workshop:
Next week will be my first RSA event and despite this I already feel bogged down by how much mention is made of how long and slow the process has been - whether in fact there really is a process or if this is just something started on a whim and is now far off the radar. I wonder why a 250 year old tanker takes time to turn? If it has plenty of space and good drivers what's slowing it down? I know the discussions I've been involved in are biased towards change but there doesn't seem to be much discussion towards not changing (or is this happening elsewhere?).
Meanwhile another recently-joined Fellow Dave Briggs has offered (see comment) to help with online tools, and floats the idea of "skunkworks" by posting his recent blog item on this topic to the OpenRSA Google group discussion.
In his blog post Dave is talking about small teams working in "stealth mode" within the public sector, to get things done. He attracts support from other public sector techies in comments.
Dave is one of the most enthusiastic and skilled people using social media to help public service innovation - so I'm delighted that he might help on the RSA front. RSA staff are open to the idea of a connection toolkits for Fellows - so we all seem to be on the same track. Hopefully on Thursday we can find a challenge or project around which to organise some skunkworking.
Here's Dave's post:
My good friend Robert Brook - one of the most active and entertaining people I follow on Twitter - was recently interviewed by Chris Dalby, and it was caught on video.
In it, Robert discusses the work he does at the UK Parliament as a ’skunkworks’ - for those that don’t know, this is:
typically developed by a small and loosely structured group of people who research and develop a project primarily for the sake of innovation
Sounds like fun. The origin of the phrase is from Lockheed Martin, in case you are interested.
This way of fostering innovation and getting things done - by taking it under the radar - is an interesting one and something I have heard from others, who have spoken about organisations having a ’splinter-cell’ for social media, or describing innovative web stuff being done as ‘black ops’.
It ties in with a lot of the stuff that Cisco’s Guido Jouret said at the Cisco Public Sector Summit that I covered late last year. Some of the things that can stife innovation in large organisations, said Guido, include:
- too much money - projects lose focus
- too much time - projects drift
- too many people - not everyone believes in the project as much as they need to
- too much love - people get too attached to failing projects and
- too much hate - jealousy elsewhere in the organisation kills projects
As a result, innovation projects have limited budgets, timescales, small teams, spend a lot of time in ’stealth mode’ (skunkworks?) and people on teams are kept close.
A lot of the good work that goes on in the public sector with the web happens on the quiet, guerilla style. If thing are really going to change, then this needs to stop and we need these projects out in the open, not to have people worried about talking about them openly.
However, that needs a culture shift and it might not happen soon. In the meantime, we need to get stuff done, and if it has to happen in a skunkworks style, then so be it.
Update: Posting a comment to Dave's skunkworks blog post led to ponder what to call activities on the edge, getting stuff done in a challenging way. Badgerworks?
RSA dashboard shows a wealth of online activity

Chief executive Matthew Taylor leads the way with top-quality blogging on his work and issues of the day - even managing to post from his holiday in Aviemore on the three massive challenges facing the UK: recession, protecting public services and climate change. Matthew says:
There is so much that the talented and committed Fellowship of the RSA could do. We here at John Adam Street are ready to support Fellows’ efforts; let’s see the whole of this great society step up to the plate.There are also project blogs listed here on Arts, Civic Capitalism, Connected Communities, Design, Education, Environment, Pro-social behaviour, and public services. The events programme has listings, and audio and video of past events. I'm sure there's more I have missed.
The research made me think that the public-facing events and projects programmes could be a very fruitful area of engagement for those of us involved in OpenRSA who want to promote more collaboration between staff, Fellows, and others online and off ... and maybe help meet Matthew's challenges.
So far a lot of our attention has been on the closed RSA network site, and there's certainly lots of potential there. I'm enthusiastic about the idea of creating an online toolkit for Fellows and regions, providing additional tools and support.
However, I wonder if it might be possible to make faster progress working with some of the project and events teams where there is a commitment to blogging, audio, video, and interactions with both Fellows and others? By engaging with their activity - and adding more - we could demonstrate to the wider Fellowship the benefits of online collaboration, and hopefully feed that back into the networking.
Just a thought. I'll pop a linking comment on to Matthew's blog and see if resonates there.
Update: here's what I've posted as a comment on Matthew's blog, where it is awaiting moderation:
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Starting discussion on future RSA networking
- Gathering lessons from the past eighteen months of development of RSA networks, and OpenRSA.
- Creative exploration of how RSA networking can develop in future.
- How to collaborate online in developing projects.
- Building working relationships with other professionals through RSA.
- Finding out what will be offered to Fellows by RSA in future - and what might be expected of them.
- Developing communication toolkits to help Fellows connect with each other and develop projects.
- The impact of social media on leadership.
I've pulled together some background material here, about RSA network development over the past 18 months, and OpenRSA.
Laura Bunt and Laura Billings will introduce discussion from the RSA staff perspective;
Malcolm Forbes, who helped start OpenRSA, will give his view of developments; and we'll also hear from Eleanor Ford, who will give the main points from NESTA's study on the RSA/Fellowship and networks, offering the practical recommendations from the report.
NESTA supported RSA networks with £100,000 of funding, and their evaluation - by Sophia Parker and Eleanor - offers some valuable principles for networked organisations. Here's the summary from NESTA's site, where you can download the full report.
Principles for networked innovation
- Start with relationships not transactions
- Be clear about the invitation
- People need to be seen and heard
- Follow exciting leads
- The online presence is integral to the mission
- Understand patterns of participation
- Not every networked idea is a good idea
- Revel in reflected glory
- Let networked innovation models change the hierarchy
- Don’t lose the human touch when going to scale
Principles for managing disruptive change
- Embrace chaos
- Co-design change
- Prototype, incubate, learn
- Mix mavericks and managers
- Go beyond staff compliance
We aren't aiming to set the agenda for the workshop beforehand, but it would be really useful to have a sense of what other's are interested in at this stage of RSA networking.
I'm particularly keen to explore how Fellows and staff might work together to develop communication toolkits, which add additional tools to those available on the main RSA networking site.
In order to help with that I've used Pageflakes to create a page where you can see feeds from all the main RSA blogs, and from Open RSA: you'll find it here.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
RSA could fulfill Clay Shirky's vision of the new-style convening organisation
The initial focus of the online RSA networks system - launched in November 2007 - was on encouraging Fellows to propose and develop civic innovation projects , and there are quite a few in the system. Since then the role of the system has expanded to include general networking by Fellows.
It is the importance of this sort of lateral networking between members of nonprofits that Clay Shirky emphasised recently, while in the UK to promote the paperback edition of his book Here Comes Everybody. He was interviewed by Amy Sample Ward.
Clay said that in a world where more and more people were connecting online with their interest groups, they would not be satisfied with old-style one-way membership services: you pay us the money, and we send a newsletter. Nor would the opportunity to provide feedback be enough. Members would want something better than the networking they could do for themselves online.
This new, customised convening role could fit well with development of RSA networks, if the system is linked to membership profiles that allow Fellows to connect with others that have similar interests.Having some sense that you all care about the issue - you all share something in common, whether it is geography or outlook or skills - and only we as an organisation can see into both of those kinds of values …
… that I think is the really radical convening function. Not just passive convening - use your membership in Greenpeace as a dating network for like-minded individuals - anyone can spin off that idea.
It’s really when a nonprofit can say we think you will find value from associating with these particular groups at this particular time.
But it requires a really dramatic shift …. and saying actually, in the same ways as we talk about the members of the body, we are made up of you, not just made up of your money and our executive committee, we are made up of you, the members, as our existence.
You then start to figure out ways to coordinate the members in ways to create the kind of value that we couldn’t have gotten to in the 20th century … but is now becoming not just available, but cheap, trival and expected by people.
More about Clay's interview here.
Re-starting this blog
However, things are now warming up again with a workshop next week where RSA staff, Fellows and friends will collaborate to develop new ideas for the future. Event details here, and more in a later post on what ideas are emerging. You can see online discussion here and sign up to join in.
Over the past year RSA chief executive Matthew Taylor has increased his blogging, and RSA projects the Social Brain and Connected Communities have also launched blogs.
NESTA - who funded the RSA networks developments - have published lessons learned from programme evaluation.
There's a round-up of online resources here.
Now to more recent developments.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Anyone interested in an open discussion on civic journalism?
Others who don't fall into this category ("news users") are encouraged by Rosie to start their own discussions.
The main RSA Networks site is currently still open for anyone to register, but as I understand it, that will change as it is recoded and integrated into the main RSA site. At that point it will be for RSA Fellows only, plus occasional invited guests. That may be great for building the Fellowship, and starting Fellows-staff projects, but it doesn't sound appropriate as a discussion space where "professional journalists", citizen journalists and others interested in using social media for social benefit can meet.
I'm personally most interested in breaking out of the old media professional boundaries because I think greatest innovation - and citizen empowerment - is likely to take place as old cultures are challenged, openly. It's time the newspeople stopped seeing those that they write for as "news users", now we are producing a lot of our own content online.
It's a point well made by Nick Booth at Podnosh a while back, when writing about the BBC initiative to support Manchester bloggers.
From my experience of BBC editorial meetings this would require a culture shift. The discussion has traditionally been rather cynical – based on traditional journalistic instinct about what makes a good story. This will often require conflict, criticism and celebrity (or prominence) as a core part of the story. News is made or broken by whether those things exist or can be readily conjured up.I'm developing ideas about what Charlie Beckett and others are calling networked journalism over at and suggesting we need to develop a new set of values.
Anyone else interested in open discussions about civic-networked journalism, and/or know where they are taking place?
I personally think it is a bit arrogant of RSA and Reuters Institute to think they can have a useful discussion about civic journalism without civic journalists, but that's the new-style social reporter in me showing through.
David (NUJ member since 1968)
Thursday, 20 March 2008
RSA journalism network on "civic function of news"
Stephen Coleman, Professor of Political Communication and Co-Director of the Centre for Digital Citizenship, is launching an RSA Journalism Network over on the RSA Networks site.
The public’s declining trust in the news media is a worrying trend. The RSA and the Reuters Institute of Journalism are looking at how we can support the civic function of news. We’re particularly interested in how professional journalists and Fellows relate to the public’s ideas about news and what it is for.This is a very timely project ... but as I argue on my blog I do think that this is something that should be a public discussion, even if it starts off behind the login.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Chichester Networks Event - 7th April 08

6.30 for 7pm start; 9pm drinks; 10pm finish
The Council House, North Street, Chichester PO19 1LQ
"How can the RSA Fellow's Network contribute to local communities and serve as a catalyst for positive social progress?"
The evening will include an introduction with Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive, as guest speaker, with the emphasis on building local networks and alliances of Fellows.
RSA Networks Project
Inspired by the highly successful event at the RSA in London on the 22 November 07, this evening has been arranged to give RSA Fellows living in regional communities the opportunity to meet other local Fellows and examine how the RSA Networks strategy can be developed at local level.
Open Space
The event on the 22 November was designed as an Open Space event and a portion of this evening will follow this workshop format, allowing you to self organise around issues and ideas that you really care about. This format ensures maximum participation, by creating an agenda collaborating on the evening and forming smaller discussion groups. Ideas, opinions and information from these discussions will then be fed back to those attending later in the evening, but also more widely via the RSA website.
The evening will include an introduction by Laura Bunt from RSA John Adam Street, an Open Space workshop, a demonstration of the developing RSA Networks website and refreshments.
If you have not yet registered to attend, contact Greg Slay or myself, Tessy Britton.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
The (Re-inventing) Membership Project is now up and running
The Membership Project explores how the social web and other factors are changing the ways in which we may belong to groups and organisations.You'll see that the aim is to develop a market place for early ideas, products and services which can then form the basis for more substantial work packages and funding bids.
We believe that these changes will have major implications for civil society institutions, ranging from national charities to local groups.
Put simply, will people still pay subscriptions if they can get information, meet and collaborate through social networks? As individuals, how do we turn connections made online and in other ways into deeper relationships and ways of working towards a better society? What benefits must organisations offer in future to survive?
We are inviting anyone interested to join us in a exploring how 'membership' and the act of 'joining' is changing, review the implications for civil society institutions, and then to develop services, support or guidance to help them meet the challenges and opportunities.
The precise objectives and outputs will be agreed during an initial project design phase, when we will also consider the drivers behind change. We wish to situate our discussions of how 'membership' is changing within a broader exploration of changing patterns of involvement/participation, which have been driven by a range of technological (including social media) and social factors.
Big thank you to RSA and the NCVO Foresight team for initial funding to get the site up and develop first activities, and proposals.
We'll be talking to RSA staff and NCVO about organising a get-together for anyone interested within the next month.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
RSA event proposal: How should the BBC support citizenship and civil society
This may be a great idea - or there may be better ways to support local democracy and civic innovation. It may seriously damage moves by commercial regional media to support citizen journalism - or networked journalism as it is better known these days.
Networked journalism is where the people formerly known as the audience contribute to the whole editorial process. The public write blogs, take pictures, gather information and comment as part of newsgathering and publishing. The professional journalists become filters, connectors, facilitators and editors.The problem is we may not get the chance to discuss the pros and cons of how our license money is spent unless the BBC Trust (which has the final say) mounts a rather more effective consultation process than they have in the past.
I think this could be a great opportunity for the RSA to use its convening power to bring together some key interests to discuss both the issues, and the way that citizens should be involved in how the BBC - and other local media - help provide platforms for engagement in future.
I'm being quite shameless here in seeing if some blogging, and the RSA networks initiative, can help influence the way that pillars of society like the BBC and BBC Trust pay more attention to effective citizen-led action - and not take for granted what's needed at grass roots level.
My initial blog post (see comment) has already attracted support from Charlie Beckett, quoted above, who is director of a think tank on journalism and society backed by LSE and the London College of Communications. Charlie asks if anyone is interested in a conference. Another commenter has further suggestions for an open conversation to frame the issues.
What do you think? Is this a good one for RSA networks?
Thursday, 31 January 2008
RSA Networks: Action and Openness, 15th Feb 2008
As Saul mentioned in his previous post, the new version of the RSA Networks platform is now available on our development servers for fellows to play with and comment.
As with the initial release of the software, we would like to invite you to meet with us face-to-face to discuss the system and how it can help support fellow-led activities within our networks. And, like last time, we'd also like to make this event about the process of developing projects within the RSA networks and not just about technology, which means we want you to bring your own projects for discussion too.
So, you are cordially invited to join us at the RSA on Friday 15th February 2008, 6pm to 8pm, to talk about the online platform, the networks project in general, and the projects arising from it. The (very loose) themes of the event will be:
- Action - how can the RSA and fellows support all the great ideas and discussions within the networks to become practical action projects?
- Openness - what level of openness does this practical action require, and what are the implications for the RSA and its fellowship?
If you would like to attend, or if you want more information, please contact Laura Bunt in the Networks team (Laura.Bunt[at], or myself (andy[at] We promise there will be free wine this time...
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
RSA Networks Version 2 - in testing
I'm very pleased to announce that the next beta version of the RSA Networks platform is now ready for testing on the development site.
There's a full post on the RSA Networks live site about the changes we've made in response to the fantastic feedback we've received from users so far.
To summarise, we've internationalised the location mapping system and enabled 'find people near me' searches. We've also enabled skills and interest matching - so projects and people can now be matched according to skills offered, skills needed and matching interests.

This is really the most interesting development so far - it was a small brainwave of my colleague Andy Gibson's that all we needed to do was to separate skills from interests in how people describe projects and themselves, and we could draw lots more interesting inference about what people might be interested in.
We have already implemented this separation on the live site, in preparation for the integration on the 15th February - so please do edit your profiles and projects there, and get ready for a whole new level of relevance!
We've also tried to improve the navigation, tracking and accessibility of new information and discussions on the site, as well as enabling users to post images and video from popular media sharing sites (picassa, flickr, youtube, etc.) to their discussions.
We hope all this makes the site easier to use, and that it generates another round of feedback so we can make further improvements before the changes are implemented on the live site after a forthcoming off-line meeting on the 15th February.
This meeting will be an opportunity for users of the system so far to meet and feedback live, talk about potential futures for the RSA Networks project and site, and bring some of their own projects to the table. My colleague Andy Gibson will post more about that meeting shortly.
In any case, please feel free to play with the development site, and feedback here or on the live site.
NB: Changes and content added to the development site will be wiped out on the 15th February. Some features of the new site will not work properly until then: eg. it won't send email (to prevent too many test recommendations being sent out) , and especially those features requiring your input - like separating out your skills and interests - will not work properly until they integrate with the live site on the 15th.
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Another online collaboration platform
UnLtdWorld is the online platform that empowers people to generate greater social impact in the real world by enabling them to share, shape and build knowledge, markets and communities through social networks. It is the platform where social entrepreneurs can connect with other socially minded people, find the resources and opportunities they need, find and market services and products, get answers to key questions, create and join groups, find information on upcoming events and news, and lots more. Above all UnLtdWorld is built on an open system, allowing agencies to build applications and connect up their own resources and networks.
.... we will announce new exciting features that will go live during the event. These will include an array of developments that will foster deep collaboration and help build the capacity of all organisations working in the sector. They will make relations between social entrepreneurs, relevant agencies and the general public more efficient and will enable people to build and share value openly.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Exploring RSA Offline Space
The existing ‘offline experience’ includes RSA-led events/initiatives at which we are physically present and participating with others (such as Lectures) and spaces which allow Fellows to meet and connect (such as New Fellows Evenings). In this meeting, we want to explore how to develop these existing RSA events/experiences to improve relationship building and also consider new ways of helping Fellows to meet and connect.
There are lots of ideas bubbling away on the RSA Networks platform, including a project on lectures and deliberative space, which I'm personally really excited about- If you would like to come along and haven't got an invite already please let me or Laura Bunt know via the discussion board.
David has posted lots of interesting thoughts on the whole issue of open access and the degree to which the RSA Fellowship experience is restricted to Fellows. I think these are big and necessary questions to ask AND I believe there is an inevitable tension between open access and creating community which doubtless we won't resolve before or on Friday. However, whatever our respective views on this, I personally feel that addressing the quality of face-to-face experience is one of the most powerful ways we can create community in RSA, both for Fellows and as a way of reaching out to wider stakeholders. I'm really looking forward to a great discussion on Friday, and to more f2f working on these issues going forward ....
Friday, 18 January 2008
Fellowship network initiative spreads to the Regions

The first Regional Open Space event is being planned for Wednesday evening 6th February at Bedales School, Petersfield, Hampshire. This event is inspired by the event on the 22 November at John Adam Street and aims to create an opportunity for Fellows living in the area to start sharing ideas of how they would like the RSA network to benefit local communities and meet other Fellows. Bedales School have very generously offered the RSA the beautiful Olivier Theatre for this new event, which continues the RSA's innovative networks project.
The iniative is being arranged by the Chichester and Portsmouth LEG (Local Events Group), which forms part of the South Central Regional Committee. John Adam Street are enthusiastically supporting this event with practical advice and RSA representatives will be attending. It is intended that the evening include an on-screen demonstration of the RSA Networks new site.
This event will be followed by a further Open Space event in Chichester on the 7th April.
Invitations will be going to Fellows week commencing 21 January for postcodes in a catchment around Petersfield. If you would like to attend either event please contact Greg Slay or myself, Tessy Britton.
You can connect to this event and comment on the RSA Networks site *here* . We would be extremely interested in further developing an on-line and off-line forum for sharing experiences of these newly created regional opportunities in order to collaborate on developing unique methods and ideas for connecting Fellows to communities and local projects.
Anyone else got ideas on how best to work with RSA staff on these issues?