6.30 for 7pm start; 9pm drinks; 10pm finish
The Council House, North Street, Chichester PO19 1LQ
"How can the RSA Fellow's Network contribute to local communities and serve as a catalyst for positive social progress?"
The evening will include an introduction with Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive, as guest speaker, with the emphasis on building local networks and alliances of Fellows.
RSA Networks Project
Inspired by the highly successful event at the RSA in London on the 22 November 07, this evening has been arranged to give RSA Fellows living in regional communities the opportunity to meet other local Fellows and examine how the RSA Networks strategy can be developed at local level.
Open Space
The event on the 22 November was designed as an Open Space event and a portion of this evening will follow this workshop format, allowing you to self organise around issues and ideas that you really care about. This format ensures maximum participation, by creating an agenda collaborating on the evening and forming smaller discussion groups. Ideas, opinions and information from these discussions will then be fed back to those attending later in the evening, but also more widely via the RSA website.
The evening will include an introduction by Laura Bunt from RSA John Adam Street, an Open Space workshop, a demonstration of the developing RSA Networks website and refreshments.
If you have not yet registered to attend, contact Greg Slay or myself, Tessy Britton.
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