In a new report on teenagers and social media by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that there is a subset of teens who are 'super-communicators' -- teens who have a host of technology options for dealing with family and friends, including traditional landline phones, cell phones, texting, social network sites, instant messaging, and email. They represent about 28% of the entire teen population and they are more likely to be older girls.
Very striking is the percentages of teenagers who prefer telephone and face-to-face contact over email. The level of sophistication of using multimedia methods of communication is one that many adults are enjoying too! Lots of time juggling required tho, whoops, though....
Does that mean teens are becoming transliterate?
I think so David - great link thank you! What is really interesting is what makes someone become a Super Communicator at a transliterate level - are the drivers the same as for someone who is a face-to-face communicator only? Do Super Communicators become natural Super Connectors? The things which keep us awake!!
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